LE BONTA’ DI SAN TRIFONE SNC It's a company founded in 1995 in a southern part of Apulia Region, near Bari: Palo del Colle. At the base of our work, there is respect for the Apulian food traditions and also for a healthy diet, reason why the raw materials used for our products, TARALLINI AND COOKIES, come from our region.
Our company was family owned and over time develops becoming a small industry that combines tradition and development .
We employ experienced employees and at the same time the young workforce, attentive to new market demands and willing to grow
Our product more sold is the TARALLINO.

Its production requires careful and meticulous process which allows us to obtain a product fresh and good.
For its production we use flour "Type 00" ( 100 % Italian Wheat), Top Quality Oils, Olives Oil ( which gives taste to product ), extra virgin olive oil ( Which gives to the product that touch of extra flavor), salt and white wine.
Our products do not contain yeast or preservatives.
The union between the traditional and the modern is the hallmark of the company, which always produces different product lines.
Among these stands the Linea Artigianale (Artisanal Line in English), a line of products made with carefully selected raw materials and following the traditions of our mothers.
Le Bontà di san Trifone is always followed by more improvement of product quality criteria, now identified by the BRC and IFS Certifications